Most people choose dental veneers for cosmetic reasons, as they can improve the appearance of your smile. However, have you ever considered veneers to be a protection for your teeth?

In this article, we will discuss how veneers can provide a protective layer over your enamel and help to prevent any potential dental issues. 


What Do Veneers Do?

Veneers are placed over the surface of your teeth and can do more than just make your smile look attractive. They’re made from thin layers of porcelain which is bonded to the front of your teeth, improving the appearance of your front teeth by correcting tooth structure or crooked or gapped teeth. 



How Veneers Protect Your Teeth?

Not only provide cosmetic dentistry results, but veneers can also be an ideal option to support and stabilise your teeth. Here are some reasons that make veneers go beyond improving just your appearance: 


protection tooth veneers pyrmontProtecting against enamel erosion

The porcelain that is used in the structure of veneers acts as a barrier between your natural enamel and any potential harm.

This will help to keep your teeth looking healthier and more attractive while also giving you peace of mind that they are protected from any further damage. 


Protecting chipped or broken teeth

Veneers provide a great solution to protect your teeth from chips, cracks, or fissures that may be present in your teeth. Especially when your teeth are in precarious positions that make them vulnerable to breakage and chipping. Veneers allow for the area to be covered up and repaired at the same time. 


Covering gaps or an uneven gumline

Veneers are a great way to cover any gaps or uneven gumlines that you may have. Covering these areas helps to prevent bacteria and food particles from getting stuck in them, which can lead to cavities or tooth decay.

Additionally, veneers also provide a natural-looking finish, especially if they are made of porcelain, and match the colour of your teeth perfectly. 


Long-lasting flawless white teeth

Traditional porcelain veneers also help protect your teeth from staining caused by certain foods or drinks, as they’re made of materials that don’t stain or scratch easily. So they need the same oral hygiene as your natural teeth. 


Protecting your teeth from decay

Regular brushing and flossing can help to protect your teeth from decay. Still, dental veneer provides an extra layer of protection that helps to prevent bacteria and plaque from accumulating on the surface of your teeth. As it works as a barrier protecting the enamel from the outside environment. 


Minimising tooth sensitivity

Foods and beverages like soda, alcohol and acidic fruits can break down tooth enamel, which then makes your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

Your teeth may be too weak to eat harder foods like carrots, and even a gust of cold air could lead to tooth pain. Veneers can help to minimise tooth sensitivity, as veneers cover the weakened teeth with a protective layer, which helps to protect them from hot and cold temperatures as well as any potential damage. 


How to Maintain Veneers?

Veneers are a great way to improve the appearance and health of your teeth. However, if they’re not properly maintained, you may still find yourself with dental issues in the long run. 



Here are some tips on how to maintain your veneers: 


Brush and floss regularly

– Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day for optimal oral hygiene. Doing so will help prevent any cavities or gum disease from forming beneath the veneer. 


Avoid eating hard foods

– Hard snacks like nuts or candy can be damaging to your new veneers, so it’s best to avoid these when possible. 


Visit the dentist regularly

– Regular check-ups with your dentist will help to ensure that your veneers are in good condition and that any underlying dental issues are addressed. 


Avoid teeth grinding

– Teeth grinding can cause veneers to break or chip away, so it’s best to use a mouthguard at night if you know you grind your teeth when sleeping. 


Drink plenty of water

– Drinking plenty of water helps keep the mouth clean and clear of bacteria, which is essential for maintaining healthy veneers. Additionally, if you’re drinking beverages like coffee or tea, make sure to rinse your mouth out afterwards with water to remove any residue left behind.

dental veneers enhance smile beauty pyrmontBy taking proper care of your veneers, you can be sure that they’ll last for many years to come.

Veneers provide a great solution for protecting your teeth from damage and decay, as well as giving you the beautiful smile that you desire.

With proper maintenance, you can ensure that your veneers will stay in pristine condition while also giving you peace of mind that they are protected from any further damage.


Are You a Candidate For Veneers?

Veneers are a great option for people who want to improve the look of their smile. However, it’s important to understand that veneers don’t last forever, and you must take care of them properly in order to get the most out of them.

It’s also important to consider whether veneers are right for you before making any decisions. At Sydney Laser Dental, we can help assess your teeth and determine if veneers are the best solution for you. We will provide you with more information about how they could help protect your teeth from further damage while also giving you the attractive smile you desire.

In conclusion, veneers not only provide cosmetic benefits but also help protect your natural enamel from further damage. They are a great option if you have suffered any small cracks, chips, or fissures, as they can stabilise and cover the area – providing an extra level of protection and improving the appearance of your smile.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a way to restore some confidence in your smile while also ensuring that it is protected, choosing veneers may be the right option for you.


The friendly dental team at Sydney Laser Dental Care is proud to have restored hundreds of smiles with flawless veneers. Contact us today to find out more about how veneers can help protect your teeth and enhance the beauty of your smile.

Pyrmont: (02) 9158 6213
Illawong: (02) 9158 6756
Sylvania Waters: (02) 9159 6083





Dental veneers


The Success of Dental Veneers According To Preparation Design and Material Type

Improving your smile with dental veneers